Julie Ventoura started her musical training on piano at National Conservatory of Athens. After her graduation she discovered the harpsichord and started studying with Margarita Dalmati at Athenaeum Conservatory.
After obtaining her diploma, she went on to study in Vienna with Gordon Murray and in Paris where she received additional coaching from Blandine Verlet Julie Ventoura is an active recitalist with intense concert activity and passionately attached to the harpsichord.
She has given numerous recitals including the KWIDZYN International Festival and the SYROS International early music Festival 
In 2010, she played the Philip Glass concerto for harpsichord and chamber orchestra. Her performance was favorably received .... young brilliant harpsichordist with rhythmic plasticity and bright sound
...Georges Leotsakos Express 8-3-2010

Mimis Plessas the great Greek composer has dedicated to her a concert for harpsichord and strings orchestra Julie played After Händel ‘s Vesper for harpsichord de by Gavin Bryars in the presence of the composer during his visit to Athens. The piece was recorded, and it is on the official site of the composer as a reference interpretation In 2017 she founded CORDE VARIANTI an early music ensemble who explores the sounds of electric guitar and harpsichord

1992 1997 Diplôme of piano at national conservatory of AthensFounded the NIKOLAOS MANTZAROS CONSERVATORY
1999 Diplôme of harpsichord at Atheneum conservatory of Athens
2002 Master class with MARK KROLL
2003 Foundation of the conscerts series,contemporary music for harpsichord by Greek composers
2004 Masterr class with Ton KOOPMAN
2004 Recital the early works of J.S.BACH for harpsichord
2005 Recital contemporary harpsichord under the auspice of greek composers union
2005 Concer for harpsichord and strings of Mimis Plessas first performance
2006 Master class with TERENCE CHARLSTON
2007 Hommage in D BUXTEHUDE recital la capricciosa
2008 Founded the EARLY music depertemnt at NIKOLAOS mantzaros conservatory
2008 Recording the first cd of german baroque compsers GRAUPNER.FISCHER,CPEBACH
2010 First performance in Europe the PHILIP GLASS harpsichord concerto
2011 Recording the second cd of contemporary music for harpsichord
2012 Master class with BOB VAN ASPEREN
